The week was of celebration in Corpus. The last day of the School of Leaders’ class also marked the graduation of the 46 employees who participated in the module “Training Leaders”. The big surprise of this edition was the 100% attendance of the students of the operating sector.
There were three months of classes with two classes – administrative and operational – held every Tuesday and Tuesday, with themes that addressed: leadership, the importance of planning work time, organizational culture, emotional intelligence, planning and results management, change management, effective communication, conflict management and winning teams.
In this edition the teachers were the managers and managers of Corpus, who volunteered to transmit their knowledge, daily experiences and learning in the area of leadership with the collaborators.
At the end of the course the senior operational manager Vitor Gasparotto, 13 years in the company, recalled the main aspects of each topic covered, told a little about his career, and scored what makes him a winning team.
“I believe 99% of the team’s success comes from the leader. It is up to him to motivate his leaders because if he believes, teaches, strives and runs after the result all those who follow him will understand the purpose of the action. The leader has the power to spread positively and, as in Stephen Covey’s phrase, ‘small acts bring about great changes,’ “Gasparotto said.
The students were selected to the School of Leaders by their leaders and based on the criteria: motivation, dedication, influence profile and collaborate positively with function colleagues; essential characteristics for a good leader. All those who achieved 90% attendance at the course were certified.