PRIVATE SECTORFocus on the full satisfaction of our customers.
With a trajectory of more than 30 years, Corpus is proud to have great clients and partners in the most diverse areas of activity. The best way to see quality, confidence, speed and security in our services is through those with whom we work.

PUBLIC SECTOR We take care of the city, we take care of people.
Corpus believes that with the implementation of modern, sustainable and efficient practices it is possible to improve the quality of life of citizens and make it their mission. The company is present in strategic cities with services of excellence, cutting-edge technology, modern and sustainable operating units to understand and solve the needs of those who rely on our work.

Elias Fausto - SP

Indaiatuba - SP

Osasco - SP

Salto - SP

São Paulo - SP

Valinhos - SP

Cachoeiro de Itapemirim – ES

Vitória - ES