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Population approves electric garbage truck

Completing 10 months in circulation, the world’s first 100% electric garbage truck was approved by the population of Indaiatuba.

In addition to zero emission of carbon dioxide (CO2), which causes the greenhouse effect – monthly is avoided sending 14 tons of CO2 into the atmosphere – the vehicle is silent. The lack of noise pleased the Indaiatubans.

“Having such technology in our city is great. He passes in front of my work every day and almost makes no noise. You do not notice the noise of the truck. There is no noise pollution, “said Francisco Assis dos Santos.

For the cleaning leader, Maria Inês, the great item to be celebrated is the benefit to the environment. “It’s great to rely on these technologies, especially to preserve the environment and give good examples to future generations,” he said.

Electric truck

The 100% electric truck was purchased by the company Corpus, provider of urban cleaning services in the municipality. The vehicle, produced by the Chinese BYD, has regenerative brakes, that is, a system that uses braking to recover up to 25% of the energy from its batteries.

With a seven times greater performance than an ordinary truck, the electric is at least 40 years of useful life. The acquisition reiterates Corpus’s commitment to the environment.

The company is guided by a sustainable management model and renewable energies could not be left out. In the future, the vehicle will be fueled with electricity produced by methane gas, which is released in the process of decomposing the waste into the landfill.

The landfill of Indaiatuba, administered by Corpus, is considered one of the best in São Paulo. It received grade 9.8 in the Landfill Quality Index (IQR), an analysis performed sporadically by the Environmental Company of the State of São Paulo (Cetesb).

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