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Make rain or shine Do not forget sunscreen!

The sunscreen protects the skin against the sun. It needs to be used daily, even on cold, cloudy days and also with rain. The sun may even be half hidden, but it still emanates its rays.

And, ultraviolet rays are responsible for the development of skin cancer and other skin lesions, such as blemishes, burns and premature aging.

Look for a sunscreen with photoprotection suited to your skin type. Also, when you are at the beach or pool remember to pass the product every 2 hours. Another tip is to avoid exposure to the sun between 10am and 4pm.

In the right measure “catching” sun brings benefits. Among them: the greater absorption of vitamin D, which prevents diseases such as osteoporosis. Another gain is to decrease depression as it stimulates endorphin production. The sun still helps regulate the sleep cycle.

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