Irregular waste disposal in the environment can lead to serious health problems for the population, causing allergic, skin and respiratory diseases. When it comes to hospital waste, the consequences can be even more serious.
In recent months, according to the company that provides services to the City Hall, the disposal of material such as syringes, needles, ampoules and bottles of medicines along with the organic material has been common and increases the risks of contamination and proliferation of various diseases. Workers who are at the front line of the collection operation are the most affected.
“In the manual waste collection operation, which is the traditional form of collection in most of our cities, the collectors pick up the bags with their hands. Thus, they are vulnerable to possible sharp objects inside the bags, “said Corpus company manager of labor safety, Luciana Cassemiro.
Correct packaging prevents contamination of people during collection, transportation and waste disposal. There have already been accidents with employees, who had to be referred to the hospital for treatment and follow-up, because it is not possible to know the origin of the discarded garbage. In the case of needles and injections there is risk of contamination by Hepatitis B and C, HIV and many other serious diseases transmitted by the blood.
Products such as gauzes and cottons with the possible presence of biological agent can be disposed of in the regular garbage, provided that in small quantities and well stored in plastic bags.
Correct discard
To properly dispose of sharps as well as expired medications, people should seek the health center closest to your home. To prevent accidents during transport, the tip is to place syringes and needles in a plastic bottle, which prevents direct contact.
Medications can still be taken in pharmacies, since many also work as a collection point. This prevents material from reaching the landfills without prior treatment.
In the case of companies and health professionals who use such materials in a doctor’s office, there are specific rules. “Punch cutting materials like syringes with needle, for example, are disposed in descarpack boxes, especially for this purpose. Other items such as gauze and cotton in a milky white garbage bag, ” Luciana explained.
The health care waste is classified as hazardous by the Brazilian Agency for Standards and Rules (ABNT) and can not be designed without prior treatment. Rather, it needs to be incinerated or heated under controlled environment. Only after one of the procedures will they be forwarded to the landfill.