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Public Utility


Vila Velha

Corpus is the company with the best evaluation of the rendering of waste collection service in the municipality of Vila Velha since 2009, according to a survey of the Citizen Satisfaction Index (ISC) series, carried out by Instituto Futura.

The survey heard 600 residents of the municipality with the intention of measuring the importance attributed by them to certain services, as well as the criteria considered important and the perception on the quality of the service provided.

Garbage collection leads the ranking with 73.7%, which indicates excellence in the evaluation and satisfaction of the people of canela-verde with the work carried out by the company. Following are the sweeping services, with 63.6%, and the maintenance of green areas, which reached 62.9%, the highest historical mark of the ISC series.

All the services provided have a high degree of importance attributed by the population and were better evaluated in the last year.

Selective Collection

The level of knowledge and importance attributed to the issue to the citizens of Vila Velha increased, but a large part of the interviewees alleged lack of time, lack of service or unavailability of adequate collectors in the neighborhood to not join the program.

Among those who did not know about the subject, 95.8% said they approve the idea of ​​selective collection, but only 64.5% said they would join the service if the City Hall had a more effective recycling program.

The Futura survey was conducted last July, with residents of the six main regions of Vila Velha, over 16 years old and with an average income of R $ 3,172.60.

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